Saturday, January 12, 2013

Lesson of the Day:

    Hear the Correction, spread the word: 

  As I have said before, we cannot intrinsically know what is or is not modesty because we are women. Yes we can learn, but we will never have a man's mind.
   We need to be open for correction. No, even better, we need to look for correction. Ether way, the subject of modesty needs to be brought up!  Even after studying the issue of modesty, I still find myself being corrected. Modesty cannot be an embarrassing subject. If it is, then girls, we are DOOMED.

 I will be your boost but I cannot be with you every step of the way.    
  So, let someone in on your modesty goals.  
  When the time comes, and you are following all the modesty rules, but the outfit still doesn't feel right (trust me, this time will come),  you will have someone to talk to.       (0= 
  From experience I will tell you, there is always one more outfit in the closet.
 As you walk this road it will help to have a male influence to help you over the tough spots. When I say "male influence"  I don't mean your Guy friend from youth group.... No I mean your Dad!  Or your Big Brother! Someone you would consider a mentor. I have let my whole family in on my modesty. My mom is really helpful, too.   It might be hard to find a person who will agree with your modesty. I have even heard of a Pastor who said that if we are too modest we are being legalistic...  OBVIOUSLY, I disagree.  It is because of pastors like this that I say we as women need to take a stand. Maybe God has a plan for you that includes standing up for this black and white idea that is not popular.
   It’s also good to have another girl to make you feel less, alone. Tell your girlfriends about modesty.  Send them to my blog if it seems hard to explain.  
 Make modesty a TEAM SPORT, spread the word!     If you tell your friends about modesty and it turns out to be a really cool conversation, comment on this blog and tell me how it goes.       
  If I can't be with you every step of the way I will be your backbone. When it starts to get a little hard, come back to this blog.  You are not the only one out there trying to be modest, 
That’s what I’m here for.  That's what your here for! 
Modesty is Confidence!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Wake Up Call!

   When modest women get dressed every day we try to dress in a way that does not tempt men... Christian men who have morals and ethics that we understand.    
 We tend to forget all the men who don't have any morals. The ones who freely imagine things that we purposefully cover up.  THEY ARE EVERYWHERE. The world gives them excuses to do this and has made it normal.   In this age, a big part of your beauty (in their minds) is your body. But I will not advertise my body, giving "samples" to every man I meet. I will not be subject to men who are so assumptive as to think that I want them to whistle as I walk down the street... or the ones who stare or make vulgar comments to friends... or the ones who look you up and down like it's a compliment, an approval of what you are selling, as if, in a sense, to cast their bid!
I despise them and occasionally have the urge to 
punch them in the face! 
Sorry. Back to maturity.
What I am trying to get across is that we need to be confident enough to think these thoughts about misled men, so that we don't need them in order to feel beautiful.   

Believe it and make a change so you don't stoop to their level. Cover up!!!   
Don't give them dirt! They don't deserve it!  
 If this doesn't make you want to be modest I don't know what will!
     You do not have to put up with it... Come on! we are smarter than that!

 I know this blog was a bit....harsh.  But I think sometimes we all need a little wake up call.   